====== Collected Data ======
The data are collected online by Prof. Dr. Malgorzata Worek (Equal Opportunity Officer of the CRC). They are anonymous and for statistical purposes only. \\
* GenderHEP Journal Club: Short Summary, Summer Semester 2020 -- Summer Semester 2022, **7 Meetings & 1 Online Viewing** [[https://p3h.particle.kit.edu/_media/equalopportunities/GenderHEP.pdf|GenderHEP Journal Club]]
* [[https://forms.gle/XCe66nJTej2iiG7q9|Online Questionnaire]] on How COVID-19 affected activities (research and others) of CRC/TRR 257 as well as the well-being of its members and the CRC projects, June 2022, **71 Responses** [[https://p3h.particle.kit.edu/_media/equalopportunities/covid19-crc.pdf|Results - COVID-19 Online Questionnaire]]
* Annual Meeting of the CRC/TRR 257 – Zoom meeting, Aachen, May 26th-28th, 2021, **103 participants** {{ :equalopportunities:sfbmeetingaachen.pdf|pdf}}
* Annual Meeting of the CRC/TRR 257 – Hybrid meeting in Siegen, October 6th-8th, 2020, **99 participants** {{ :equalopportunities:crc_tr257_eqopdata_2020_10_06.pdf