====== P3H-21-038: Thermal WIMPs and the Scale of New Physics: Global Fits of Dirac Dark Matter Effective Field Theories ====== ^ P3H-21-038 ^ | Title: Thermal WIMPs and the Scale of New Physics: Global Fits of Dirac Dark Matter Effective Field Theories | | Type: Paper | | Authors: Peter Athron, Neal Avis Kozar, Csaba Balazs, Ankit Beniwal, Sanjay Bloor, Torsten Bringmann, Joachim Brod, Christopher Chang, Jonathan M. Cornell, Ben Farmer, Andrew Fowlie, Tomas E. Gonzalo, Will Handley, Felix Kahlhoefer, Anders Kvellestad, Farvah Mahmoudi, Markus T. Prim, Are Raklev, Janina J. Renk, Andre Scaffidi, Pat Scott, Patrick Stöcker, Aaron C. Vincent, Martin White, Sebastian Wild, Jure Zupan | | arXiv: [[https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.02056|2106.02056]] | | Info: Published in Eur.Phys.J.C 81 (2021) 11, 992 |