====== C3a: New sources of flavour violation at high transverse momenta ===== ^Principal Investigators ^^ |[[ http://www.ikp.kit.edu/particle_theory/english/59_73.php | Dr. Monika Blanke ]] | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | |[[ https://web.physik.rwth-aachen.de/~mkraemer/ | Prof. Michael Krämer ]] | RWTH Aachen University | ==== Subject ==== This project studies the phenomenology of new flavour-violating interactions in high-energy collider experiments. The presence of such interactions at the TeV-scale is expected in many New Physics models, and it is suggested by the observation of several anomalies in the flavour sector. Furthermore, it has important implications on direct searches for new particles: LHC constraints on the viable parameter space of New Physics models change significantly in the presence of flavour violation, and new flavour-violating signatures are predicted as promising discovery channels. ==== Topics ==== * interplay and synergies between flavour, collider and Dark Matter experiments * New Physics models for flavour anomalies and their collider phenomenology * flavoured Dark Matter models and their phenomenology * modern machine-learning tools for New Physics searches at colliders ==== Related publications ==== {{tagtopic>C3a&noheader&nofooter&rsort&link&firstseconly&noreadmore}}