==== Roles ====
**1st funding period** \\
{{kit.png?10}} Prof. Kirill Melnikov \\
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology \\
**2nd funding period** \\
{{kit.png?10}} Prof. Gudrun Heinrich \\
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology \\
**Deputy spokespersons** \\
{{aach.png?10}} Prof. Michael Krämer \\
RWTH Aachen University \\
{{sieg.png?10}} Prof. Thomas Mannel \\
University of Siegen \\
**Equal Opportunity Team**\\
{{kit.png?10}} Prof. Felix Kahlhöfer\\
{{sieg.png?10}} Prof. Guido Bell\\
{{kit.png?10}} Dr. Monika Blanke\\
{{aach.png?10}} Prof. Michael Krämer\\
**Young scientist representatives**\\
{{aach.png?10}} Houssem Amami \\
{{kit.png?10}} Nicoline Hemme\\
{{sieg.png?10}} Dr. Eleftheria Malami\\
**Former representatives**\\
Dr. Elias Bernreuther\\
Dr. Oscar Cata\\
Dr. Martin Gabelmann\\
Dr. Nico Gubernari\\
Dr. Magnus Schaaf\\
Dr. Chiara Signorile-Signorile\\
**Outreach team**\\
{{aach.png?10}} Prof. Robert Harlander\\
{{aach.png?10}} Marie Hein\\
/***RWTH Aachen University**\\*/
{{kit.png?10}} Prof. Felix Kahlhöfer\\
{{kit.png?10}} Henda Mansour\\
{{kit.png?10}} Anton Olsson\\
{{kit.png?10}} Augustin Vestner\\
/***Karlsruhe Institute of Technology**\\*/
{{sieg.png?10}} Prof. Alexander Lenz\\
{{sieg.png?10}} Anastasia Boushmelev\\
{{sieg.png?10}} Zachary Wüthrich\\
/***University of Siegen**\\*/
{{heid.png?10}} Prof. Tilman Plehn\\
/***Heidelberg University**\\*/
**Administrative Assistant** \\
[[trr257@particle.kit.edu]] \\
{{kit.png?10}} Tatjana Gordeeva \\
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology \\
Working Hours: Mon, Tue & Thu
**Web administrators**\\
{{kit.png?10}} Dr. Marco Bonetti\\