==== Roles ==== \\ **Spokesperson**\\ \\ **1st funding period** \\ {{kit.png?10}} Prof. Kirill Melnikov \\ Karlsruhe Institute of Technology \\ [[kirill.melnikov@kit.edu]]\\ \\ **2nd funding period** \\ {{kit.png?10}} Prof. Gudrun Heinrich \\ Karlsruhe Institute of Technology \\ [[gudrun.heinrich@kit.edu]] **Deputy spokespersons** \\ \\ {{aach.png?10}} Prof. Michael Krämer \\ RWTH Aachen University \\ [[mkraemer@physik.rwth-aachen.de]]\\ \\ {{sieg.png?10}} Prof. Thomas Mannel \\ University of Siegen \\ [[mannel@physik.uni-siegen.de]] **Equal Opportunity Team**\\ [[trr257-edi@lists.kit.edu]]\\ \\ {{kit.png?10}} Prof. Felix Kahlhöfer\\ [[felix.kahlhoefer@kit.edu]]\\ \\ {{sieg.png?10}} Prof. Guido Bell\\ [[bell@physik.uni-siegen.de]]\\ {{kit.png?10}} Dr. Monika Blanke\\ [[monika.blanke@kit.edu]]\\ {{aach.png?10}} Prof. Michael Krämer\\ [[mkraemer@physik.rwth-aachen.de]]\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ **Young scientist representatives**\\ [[trr257-ysr@lists.kit.edu]]\\ \\ {{aach.png?10}} Houssem Amami \\ [[houssem.amami@rwth-aachen.de]]\\ \\ {{kit.png?10}} Nicoline Hemme\\ [[nicoline.hemme@kit.edu]]\\ \\ {{sieg.png?10}} Dr. Eleftheria Malami\\ [[eleftheria.malami@uni-siegen.de]]\\ \\ \\ **Former representatives**\\ \\ Dr. Elias Bernreuther\\ Dr. Oscar Cata\\ Dr. Martin Gabelmann\\ Dr. Nico Gubernari\\ Dr. Magnus Schaaf\\ Dr. Chiara Signorile-Signorile\\ **Outreach team**\\ [[trr257-outreach@lists.kit.edu]]\\ \\ {{aach.png?10}} Prof. Robert Harlander\\ [[harlander@physik.rwth-aachen.de]]\\ {{aach.png?10}} Marie Hein\\ [[marie.hein@rwth-aachen.de]]\\ /***RWTH Aachen University**\\*/ \\ {{kit.png?10}} Prof. Felix Kahlhöfer\\ [[felix.kahlhoefer@kit.edu]]\\ {{kit.png?10}} Henda Mansour\\ [[henda.mansour@kit.edu]]\\ {{kit.png?10}} Anton Olsson\\ [[anton.olsson@kit.edu]]\\ {{kit.png?10}} Augustin Vestner\\ [[augustin.vestner@kit.edu]]\\ /***Karlsruhe Institute of Technology**\\*/ \\ {{sieg.png?10}} Prof. Alexander Lenz\\ [[alexander.lenz@uni-siegen.de]]\\ {{sieg.png?10}} Anastasia Boushmelev\\ [[anastasia.boushmelev@uni-siegen.de]]\\ {{sieg.png?10}} Zachary Wüthrich\\ [[zachary.wuethrich@uni-siegen.de]]\\ /***University of Siegen**\\*/ \\ {{heid.png?10}} Prof. Tilman Plehn\\ [[plehn@uni-heidelberg.de]] /***Heidelberg University**\\*/ **Administrative Assistant** \\ [[trr257@particle.kit.edu]] \\ \\ {{kit.png?10}} Tatjana Gordeeva \\ Karlsruhe Institute of Technology \\ Working Hours: Mon, Tue & Thu \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ **Web administrators**\\ [[trr257-web-admin@lists.kit.edu]]\\ \\ {{kit.png?10}} Dr. Marco Bonetti\\ [[marco.bonetti@kit.edu]]\\