11.03.2024-12.03.2024 - The Annual Meeting of the CRC TRR 257 will take place at KIT, where CRC members will present their current research.
10.11.2023 - From theoretical particle physics to entrepreneurship – Presentation by Dr. Sophia Borowka, CEO at obvioTec and CEO & Co-Founder at aiSon Technologies
19.10.2023 Celebrating 20 years of TP1 – The theoretical particle physics group of Siegen university will celebrate its 20th anniversary on Thursday, Oct. 19th. Alumni will present their professional careers after graduating from TP1, followed by a colloquium by Prof. Michael Krämer from RWTH Aachen university. More details here.
16.10.2023-18.10.2023 - Young Scientists Meeting of the CRC TRR 257 – A three-day meeting in Siegen for all members of the CRC. Scientific talks about the various projects will be presented by young scientists. The meeting includes a workshop to promote well-being within the research community and a talk about funding opportunities. More information can be found here
24.09.2023-29.09.2023 - 16th International Workshop on Top Quark Physics (TOP 2023) . The TOP 2023 workshop will be held in Traverse City, Michigan, USA. TOP 2023 brings together experimentalists and theorists to present and discuss the latest developments in top-quark physics. This year's meeting will be hosted by North American institutions on Lake Michigan. Young scientists are especially encouraged to participate, and there will be a poster session as well as a block of short plenary talks in the Young Scientist Forum, allowing them to present their work. More information can be found here
04.09.2023-08.09.2023- 13th edition of QCD@LHC . The 13th edition of QCD@LHC, aiming at fostering discussions and collaboration between experimenters and theorists, working on strong interactions at the LHC, will be held in Durham, UK. More information can be found here
30.08.2023-01.09.2023- Annual Meeting of the Research Training Group (RTG-2497) - Physics of the Heaviest Particles at the LHC. The meeting will take place in Remagen am Rhein / Bonn. More information can be found here
17.07.2023-21.07.2023 - 11th International Workshop on Charm Physics (CHARM 2023) . The purpose of the CHARM 2023 Workshop is to bring together theorists and experimentalists working in charm physics to discuss recent results in this area, including the impact on and from theory as well as projections for results to be expected from upcoming experimental facilities. More information can be found here
26.06.2023–28.06.2023 - LoopFest XXI conference . The conference will be held at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. LoopFest provides a forum for discussing the latest results in precision quantum field theory and their applications to understanding experimental data at current and future colliders.Topics include: The potential of the LHC and future colliders for precision measurements, Progress in multi-loop and multi-leg calculations, Interfacing fixed-order higher-order calculations with multi-purpose event generators, Application of effective field theory techniques to precision calculations, Prospects for improving PDFs for precision measurements. More information can be found here
28.05.2023-02.06.2023 - RADCOR 2023 – 16th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections: Applications of Quantum Field Theory to Phenomenology . This conference is the 16th in the series of biennial RADCOR conferences on radiative corrections. It is devoted to the applications of quantum field theory to particle physics phenomenology. Subjects will include precision calculations for colliders; progress in higher-loop and higher-multiplicity calculations in the Standard Model; cross sections for new physics; interpretations of experimental data; new techniques for calculations; advances in computer-algebra methods; new theoretical developments. The conference will be held in Crieff, an attractive old market town in the heart of Perthshire in central Scotland. More information can be found here
22.05.2023-26.05.2023 - 11th Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference (LHCP 2023) . The main goal of the conference is to provide intense and lively discussions between experimenters and theorists in such research areas as the Standard Model Physics and Beyond, the Higgs Boson Physics, Heavy Quark Physics and Heavy Ion Physics, as well as to share recent progress in the high luminosity upgrades and future collider developments. The 11th edition of the LHCP Conference is hosted by the Faculty of Physics and Institute of Physics of the University of Belgrade, in Belgrade, Serbia. More information can be found here
20.03.2023-24.03.2023 - 86th Annual Conference of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting . The German Physical Society (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft - DPG) Spring Meeting of the Matter and Cosmos Section (SMuK) will take place on the campus of the Technical University Dresden. The conference is organised by many divisions and working groups, among other by the Particle Physics division. More information can be found here
20.03.2023-24.03.2023 - The Gradient Flow in QCD and other Strongly Coupled Field Theories workshop will bring together experts in lattice and perturbative QCD to discuss recent progress in the application of the gradient flow, develop common ideas, identify needs and possibilities for the gradient flow and to spark collaborative efforts. More information can be found here
01.03.2023-02.03.2023 - The Annual Meeting of the CRC TRR 257 will take place at RWTH Aachen. A summary of the first funding period as well as new projects will be presented. In addition, former CRC members will present their current research. More information can be found here
13.02.2023-16.02.2023 - Mathematical Structures in Feynman Integrals . The workshop aims at bringing together experts from Mathematics and Physics to discuss the latest developments and future directions in unraveling the Mathematical Structures in Feynman Integrals. Topics will include among others Structures of Feynman integrals, Integral reduction, Applications from algebraic geometry, Finite fields and rational reconstruction, Differential equations, etc. The program will feature dedicated talks, but will also leave ample time for discussions among workshop participants. More information can be found here.
28.11.2022-30.11.2022 - The 19th Workshop of the LHC Higgs Working Group will take place in-person at CERN, but a video connection will be available for those who cannot travel to CERN. The aim of the LHC Higgs Working Group (LHCHWG) is to collect and produce theoretical predictions relevant for Higgs physics in the Standard Model and beyond. More information can be found here.
24.11.2022–27.11.2022 - The 26th Conference of Women in Physics (Deutsche Physikerinnentagung) offers female physicists at different career levels the possibility for networking and professional exchange. The program of the conference covers scientific talks from different areas of physics – this year with special focus on the research performed at KIT, the presentation of professional perspectives for physicists, school and didactic events as well as events on topics like equal opportunities, work-life balance, or career management. This year's conference has been hosted by KIT, the organisation was led by Prof. Margarete Mühlleitner, a PI of the CRC. More information can be found here.
07.11.2022–11.11.2022 - The Higgs 2022 Conference will focus on new experimental and theoretical results on the Higgs boson. Latest measurement of the Higgs boson properties and recent theoretical developments in the Higgs boson sector, in the Standard Model and in physics Beyond the Standard Model will be presented and discussed at the Conference. Contributions will be organised in several parallel and plenary sessions. More information can be found here
27.09.2022-30.09.2022 - The annual DESY Theory Workshop - Higgs, Flavour and Beyond - is organised by the elementary particle physics community in Germany. The focus is on a topical subject in theoretical particle physics and related fields. The workshop features: a) plenary sessions of specialised talks by invited speakers, b) parallel sessions, allowing young researchers to present their work (Wednesday and Thursday afternoon) and c) the DESY Heinrich-Hertz-Lecture on Physics for public outreach. More information can be found here
20.09.2022–22.09.2022 - The Eighth International Workshop on High Precision for Hard Processes at the LHC - HP2 2022 - will be hosted by the IPPP, University of Durham at the Discovery Museum in Newcastle, UK. This series of workshops is devoted to high precision studies of hard scattering processes at hadron colliders. The main themes of these workshops are recent developments and new results in theoretical computations in quantum field theory and their applications to collider phenomenology. More information can be found here
12.09.2022-14.09.2022 - The 12th workshop of the - Higgs Hunting - series will present an overview of the following topics: new physics through precision studies of the properties of the Higgs boson, new production and decay modes and new Higgs-like states and signals for physics beyond the Standard Model. It will focus on new developments in the LHC Run-2 analyses, detailed studies of Higgs boson properties and possible deviations from Standard Model predictions. Highlights will also include a first look at LHC Run-3 analyses, prospects from studies at future colliders, and recent theoretical developments. More information can be found here
04.09.2022-09.09.2022 - TOP2022 - The 15th International Workshop on Top-Quark Physics will be held at Durham University, Durham (UK). It brings together experimentalists and theorists to present and discuss the latest developments in top-quark physics. This year's programme includes a mini-workshop on the connection between top and flavour physics. More information can be found here
06.07.2022-13.07.2022 - ICHEP 2022 - The XLI International Conference on High Energy Physics. ICHEP has been held every two years for more than 50 years, and is the reference conference of particle physics where most relevant results are presented. At ICHEP, physicists from around the world gather to share the latest advancements in particle physics, astrophysics/cosmology, and accelerator science and discuss plans for major future facilities. More information can be found here
08.06.2022-10.06.2022 - The Young Scientists Meeting is a three-day meeting for all members of the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) TRR 257. Besides scientific talks, this workshop also includes talks about soft skills and gender equality. More information can be found here:
31.05.2022-02.06.2022 - Status and propects of Non-leptonic B meson decay. The aim of this event is to discuss the current status in theory and experiment of non-leptonic B meson decays. This entails talks on calculation techniques, including QCD factorization and perturbative QCD with special emphasis on the current status of estimating power corrections. More information can be found here
16.05.2022-20.05.2022 - The programme of the 10th Edition of the Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference - LHCP2022 - will contain a detailed review of the latest experimental and theoretical results on collider physics, with many final results of the Large Hadron Collider Run-2, potentially a first glimpse of the upgraded accelerator and detector operation in Run-3, and discussions on further research directions within the high energy particle physics community, both in theory and experiment. The main goal of the conference is to provide intense and lively discussions between experimenters and theorists in such research areas as the Standard Model Physics and Beyond, the Higgs Boson, Heavy Quark Physics and Heavy Ion Physics as well as to share recent progress in the high luminosity upgrades and future collider developments. More information can be found here
12.05.2022-15.05.2022 - LoopFest XX conference, University of Pittsburgh, USA. LoopFest provides a forum for discussing the latest results in precision quantum field theory and their applications to understanding experimental data at current and future colliders.Topics include: a) The potential of the LHC and future colliders for precision measurements b) Progress in multi-loop and multi-leg calculations c) Interfacing fixed-order higher-order calculations with multi-purpose event generators d) Application of effective field theory techniques to precision calculations e) Prospects for improving PDFs for precision measurements. More information can be found here
25.04.2022-30.04.2022 - The 16th Workshop on Elementary Particle Physics: Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory, Ettal, Germany. Topics discussed: Precision calculations and technology for scattering cross sections at high energy colliders, computer algebra, related mathematical developments, algorithms and methods, higher loop and multi-leg calculations. More information can be found here
11.04.2022-14.04.2022 - The Standard Model at the LHC workshop - SM@LHC 2022 - deals with the latest developments as well as future prospects in Standard Model phenomenology at the LHC. The emphasis lies in bringing together experimentalists and theorists to stimulate discussions on the most interesting and topical aspects across the various fields. The main topics include Electroweak, Higgs, QCD, Top, Flavour Physics and EFT . More information can be found here:
29.11.2021 - The third and the last session in 2021 Public Speaking & Presentation Skills Training including Video Analysis will take place on Monday, November 29th from 09:00 till 13:00. Individual trainings will take place on Monday, November 29th (14:00-17:00) and on Tuesday, November 30th (13:00-17:00). Our trainer is Mrs. Sonja Fuhrmann - TV-journalist, TV-presenter and trainer for rhetoric and voice.
11.11.2021 - The second session Public Speaking & Presentation Skills Training including Video Analysis will take place on Thursday, November 11th from 12:00 till 16:00. Individual trainings will take place on Friday, November 12th from 9:00 till 15:00. Our trainer is Mrs. Sonja Fuhrmann - TV-journalist, TV-presenter and trainer for rhetoric and voice.
01.07.2021 - The first session Public Speaking & Presentation Skills Training including Video Analysis will take place on Thursday, July 1st from 09:00 till 13:00. Individual trainings will take place on Thursday, July 1st (14:00-17:00) and on Friday, July 2nd (13:00-17:00). Our trainer is Mrs. Sonja Fuhrmann - TV-journalist, TV-presenter and trainer for rhetoric and voice.
16.06.2021 - The second (virtual) session Physicists in Industry will take place on Wednesday, June 16th at 4.00pm. Our second speaker is Dr. Waldemar Martens (European Space Agency, ESA).
26.05.2021 - The annual meeting of the CRC TRR 257 “Particle Physics Phenomenology after the Higgs Discovery'' took place (virtually) in Aachen from May 26th to May 28th. Presentations are available online.
17.02.2021 - We are starting the Physicists in Industry series on career opportunities outside of Academia. The first (virtual) session will be with Marco Baumgartl (BMW Group) on Thursday, February 25th at 4.30pm.
08.10.2020 - The Annual meeting of the Collaborative Research Center took place in Siegen from Oct. 6th to Oct. 8th. The meeting was held in a hybrid (live and zoom) format. Presentations are available online.
03.07.2020 - We would like to welcome Gudrun Heinrich (KIT) and Alexander Lenz (Siegen) as
two new principal investigators of the CRC. Within the CRC, Gudrun will
develop numerical methods for computing two-loop amplitudes with many mass scales
and Alexander will study possible ways to constrain non-perturbative parameters that appear within
the heavy quark expansion.
30.06.2020 - We have recently started the new series of talks – the CRC colloquium. The idea is to have CRC PIs talk about their current research. The first talk of the series on “How to GAN” was given by Tilman Plehn (Heidelberg) on June 30th. The second talk on “Precision Flavor physics” will be given by Tobias Huber (Siegen) on July 13th.
08.06.2020 - We are happy to announce the First Young Scientists Forum of the SFB TRR 257 which will take place on June 09th, June 17th and June 23rd from 2pm - 4:30pm. The Young Scientists Forum is a series of remote seminars given by Ph.D. students and young Postocs from Aachen, Heidelberg, Karlsruhe and Siegen. It features short (12+3 minutes) presentations. The purpose of the event is to train the speakers to talk about their research in front of a large audience and to strengthen scientific collaborations during the corona lock-down.