P3H-20-028: Penguin contribution to width difference and CP asymmetry in $B_q\!-\!\Bbar{}_q\,$ mixing at order $\alpha_s^2 N_f$

Title: Penguin contribution to width difference and CP asymmetry in $B_q\!-\!\bar B_q\,$ mixing at order $\alpha_s^2 N_f$
Type: Paper
Authors: Hrachia M. Asatrian, Hrachya H. Asatryan, Artyom Hovhannisyan, Ulrich Nierste, Sergey Tumasyan, Arsen Yeghiazaryan
arXiv: 2006.13227
Info:Published in Phys.Rev.D 102 (2020) 3, 033007