2019 scientific papers available on arXiv

Title: Hadronic Footprint of GeV-Mass Dark Matter
Type: Paper
Authors: T. Plehn, P. Reimitz and P. Richardson
arXiv: 1911.11147
Info: Published in SciPost Phys. 8, 092 (2020)
Title: Benchmarking simplified template cross sections in $WH$ production
Type: Paper
Authors: J. Brehmer, S. Dawson, S. Homiller, F. Kling and T. Plehn
arXiv: 1908.06980
Info: Published in JHEP 11, 034 (2019)
Title: Electroweak Phase Transition in Non-Minimal Higgs Sectors
Type: Paper
Authors: Ph. Basler, M. Mühlleitner, J. Müller
arXiv: arXiv:1912.10477
Info: Published in: JHEP05(2020)016
Title: Di-Higgs boson peaks and top valleys: Interference effects in Higgs sector extensions
Type: Paper
Authors: Ph. Basler, S. Dawson, Ch. Englert, M. Mühlleitner
arXiv:  arXiv:1909.09987
Info:Published in: Phys. Rev. D 101 (2020) 1
Title: Vacuum Instabilities in the N2HDM
Type: Paper
Authors: P.M. Ferreira, M. Mühlleitner, R. Santos, G. Weiglein, J. Wittbrodt
arXiv:  arXiv:1905.10234
Info:Published in: JHEP09(2019)006
Title: Resummed inclusive cross-section in ADD model at N$^3$LL+NNLO
Type: Paper
Authors: Goutam Das, M. C. Kumar, Kajal Samanta
Info:Published in: JHEP 10 (2020) 161
Title: Soft corrections to inclusive deep-inelastic scattering at four loops and beyond
Type: Paper
Authors: Goutam Das, Sven-Olaf Moch, Andreas Vogt
Info: Published in: JHEP 2003 (2020) 116
Title: The Four-Loop Cusp Anomalous Dimension from the N = 4 Sudakov Form Factor
Type: Paper
Authors: Tobias Huber, Andreas von Manteuffel, Erik Panzer, Robert M. Schabinger, Gang Yang
Info: Published in: Phys.Lett.B 807 (2020) 135543
Title: Cornering Spontaneous CP Violation with charged-Higgs searches
Type: Paper
Authors: Ulrich Nierste, Mustafa Tabet, Robert Ziegler
arXiv: 1912.11501
Info: Published in Phys.Rev.Lett. 125 (2020) 3
Title: Interference effects in dilepton resonance searches for Z' bosons and dark matter mediators
Type: Paper
Authors: Felix Kahlhoefer, Alexander Mück, Stefan Schulte, Patrick Tunney
arXiv: 1912.06374
Info: Published in JHEP 2003 (2020) 104
Title: Probing Higgs-portal dark matter with vector-boson fusion
Type: Paper
Authors: Jan Heisig, Michael Krämer, Eric Madge, Alexander Mück
arXiv: 1912.08472
Info: Published in JHEP 2003 (2020) 183
Title: A study of the impact of double-differential top distributions from CMS on parton distribution functions
Type: Paper
Authors: Michał Czakon, Sayipjamal Dulat, Tie-Jiun Hou, Joey Huston, Alexander Mitov, Andrew S. Papanastasiou, Ibrahim Sitiwaldi, Zhite Yu, C.–P. Yuan
arXiv: 1912.08801
Info:Published in J.Phys.G 48 (2020) 1, 015003
Title: Impact of LHC top-quark pair measurements to CTEQ-TEA PDF analysis
Type: Proceedings
Authors:Orkash Amat, Michał Czakon, Sayipjamal Dulat, Tie-Jiun Hou, Joey Huston, Alexander Mitov, Andrew S.Papanastasiou, Carl Schmidt, Ibrahim Sitiwaldi, Keping Xie, Zhite Yu, C.-P. Yuan
arXiv: 1908.06441
Title: Completing the four-body contributions to $\bar{B}\rightarrow X_s \gamma$ at NLO
Type: Proceedings
Authors: Tobias Huber, Lars-Thorben Moos
arXiv: 1912.07916
Info: Published in PoS RADCOR2019 (2019) 031
Title: $\tau \rightarrow \mu\mu\mu$ at a rate of one out of $10^{14}$ tau decays?
Type: Paper
Authors: P. Blackstone, M. Fael, E. Passemar
arXiv: 1912.09862
Info:Published in: Eur.Phys.J.C 80 (2020) 6
Title: Gauge coupling beta functions to four-loop order in the Standard Model
Type: Paper
Authors: Joshua Davies, Florian Herren, Colin Poole, Matthias Steinhauser, Anders Eller Thomsen
arXiv: 1912.07624
Info: Published in Phys.Rev.Lett. 124 (2020) no.7, 071803
Title: On charm-mass dependent NNLO corrections to $B \rightarrow X_s \gamma$
Type: Proceedings
Authors: Mikolaj Misiak, Abdur Rehman, Matthias Steinhauser
arXiv: 2002.03021
Info:Published in PoS RADCOR2019 (2019) 033
Title: Off-shell vs on-shell modelling of top quarks in photon associated production
Type: Paper
Authors: G. Bevilacqua, H. B. Hartanto, M. Kraus, T. Weber, M. Worek
arXiv: 1912.09999
Info: Published in JHEP 2003 (2020) 154
Title: Heavy-Quark Expansion for $\bar{B}_s\to D^{(*)}_s$ Form Factors and Unitarity Bounds beyond the $SU(3)_F$ Limit
Type: Paper
Authors: Marzia Bordone, Nico Gubernari, Martin Jung, Danny van Dyk
arXiv: 1912.09335
Info:Published in: Eur.Phys.J.C 80 (2020) 4, 347
Title: Pade approach to top-quark mass effects in gluon fusion amplitudes
Type: Proceedings
Authors: Joshua Davies, Ramona Groeber, Andreas Maier, Thomas Rauh, Matthias Steinhauser
arXiv: 1912.04097
Info:Published in PoS RADCOR2019 (2019) 079
Title: NNLO real corrections to $gg\to HH$ in the large-$m_t$ limit
Type: Proceedings
Authors: Joshua Davies, Florian Herren, Go Mishima, Matthias Steinhauser
arXiv: 1912.01646
Info: Published in PoS RADCOR2019 (2019) 022
Title: Higgs decay into massive $b$-quarks at NNLO QCD in the nested soft-collinear subtraction scheme
Type: Paper
Authors: Arnd Behring, Wojciech Bizoń
arXiv: 1911.11524
Info:Published in JHEP 2001 (2020) 189
Title: Mixed scalar-pseudoscalar Higgs boson production through next-to-next-to-leading order at the LHC
Type: Paper
Authors: Matthieu Jaquier, Raoul Röntsch
arXiv: 1911.10631
Info: Published in: JHEP 06 (2020) 005
Title: Top Quark Mass Effects in Next-To-Next-To-Next-To-Leading Order Higgs Boson Production: Virtual Corrections
Type: Paper
Authors: Joshua Davies, Florian Herren, Matthias Steinhauser
arXiv: 1911.10214
Info: Published in Phys.Rev.Lett. 124 (2020) no.11, 112002
Title: Model-independent bounds on new physics effects in non-leptonic tree-level decays of B-mesons
Type: Paper
Authors: Alexander Lenz, Gilberto Tetlalmatzi-Xolocotzi
arXiv: 1912.07621
Info: published in JHEP 07 (2020) 177, JHEP07(2020)177
Title: Probing dark sectors with long-lived particles at BELLE II
Type: Paper
Authors: Anastasiia Filimonova, Ruth Schaefer, Susanne Westhoff
arXiv: 1911.03490
Info:Published in: Phys.Rev.D 101 (2020) 9
Title: Three-loop soft function for heavy-to-light quark decays
Type: Paper
Authors: Robin Brüser, Ze Long Liu, Maximilian Stahlhofen
arXiv: 1911.04494
Info: Published in JHEP 2003 (2020) 071
Title: NNLO QCD corrections to three-photon production at the LHC
Type: Paper
Authors: Herschel A. Chawdhry, Michał Czakon, Alexander Mitov, Rene Poncelet
arXiv: 1911.00479
Info: Published in JHEP 2002 (2020) 057
Title: Analytic results for deep-inelastic scattering at NNLO QCD with the nested soft-collinear subtraction scheme
Type: Paper
Authors: Konstantin Asteriadis, Fabrizio Caola, Kirill Melnikov, Raoul Röntsch
arXiv: 1910.13761
Info:Published in Eur.Phys.J. C80 (2020) no.1, 8
Title: Flavour Physics from Present to Future Colliders
Type: Proceedings
Authors: Monika Blanke
arXiv: 1910.10662
Info: LFC19: Strong dynamics for physics within and beyond the Standard Model at LHC and Future Colliders
Title: Quark beam functions at next-to-next-to-leading order in perturbative QCD in the large$N_c$ approximation
Type: Paper
Authors: Arnd Behring, Kirill Melnikov, Robbert Rietkerk, Lorenzo Tancredi, Christopher Wever
arXiv: 1910.10059
Info:Published in Phys.Rev. D100 (2019) no.11, 114034
Title: Hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous moment
Type: Paper
Authors: Stefan Groote, Thomas Mannel, Alexei A. Pivovarov
arXiv: 1909.02460
Title: O new physics, where art thou? A global search in the top sector
Type: Paper
Authors: Ilaria Brivio, Sebastian Bruggisser, Fabio Maltoni, Rhea Moutafis, Tilman Plehn, Eleni Vryonidou, Susanne Westhoff, Cen Zhang
arXiv: 1910.03606
Info:Published in JHEP 2002 (2020) 131
Title: The light CP-even MSSM Higgs mass including N3LO+N3LL QCD corrections
Type: Paper
Authors: R.V. Harlander, J. Klappert, A. Voigt
arXiv: 1910.03595
Info:Published in Eur.Phys.J. C80 (2020) no.3, 186
Title: The Heavy Quark Expansion for Inclusive Semileptonic Charm Decays Revisited
Type: Paper
Authors: Matteo Fael, Thomas Mannel, K. Keri Vos
arXiv: 1910.05234
Info:Published in JHEP 1912 (2019) 067
Title: Mixed QCD$\otimes$QED corrections to on-shell $Z$ boson production at the LHC
Type: Paper
Authors: Maximilian Delto, Matthieu Jaquier, Kirill Melnikov, Raoul Röntsch
arXiv: 1909.08428
Info:Published in JHEP 2001 (2020) 043
Title: Effective Theory Approach to New Physics with Flavour: General Framework and a Leptoquark Example
Type: Paper
Authors: Marzia Bordone, Oscar Cata, Thorsten Feldmann
arXiv: 1910.02641
Info:Published in JHEP 2001 (2020) 067
Title: Semileptonic $b$-Hadron Decays, Determination of $V_{cb}$, $V_{ub}$
Type: Paper
Authors: Thomas Mannel, Phillip Urquijo (U. of Melbourne)
arXiv: N.A.
Info: To appear in the 2020 Edition of the PDG ``Review of Particle Properties''
Title: Three-loop form factors for Higgs boson pair production in the large top mass limit
Type: Paper
Authors: Joshua Davies and Matthias Steinhauser
arXiv: 1909.01361
Info:Published in JHEP 1910 (2019) 166
Title: Constraints on New Physics from B mesons
Type: Proceedings
Authors: Monika Blanke
arXiv: 1908.09713
Info: plenary talk at LeptonPhoton 2019
Title: Chiral Condensates in Massless QCD and the $U(1)_A$ boson mass
Type: Paper
Authors: Thomas Mannel, Alexei A. Pivovarov
arXiv: 1908.06797
Title: Higher order corrections to spin correlations in top quark pair production at the LHC
Type: Paper
Authors:Arnd Behring, Michal Czakon, Alexander Mitov, Andrew S. Papanastasiou, Rene Poncelet
arXiv: 1901.05407
Info: Published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 082001 (2019)
Title: Completing the scalar and fermionic Universal One-Loop Effective Action
Type: Paper
Authors: Michael Krämer, Benjamin Summ und Alexander Voigt
arXiv: 1908.04798
Info:Published in JHEP 2001 (2020) 079
Title: Little hierarchies solve the little fine-tuning problem: a case study in supersymmetry with heavy guinos
Type: Paper
Authors: Thomas Deppisch, Ulrich Nierste
arXiv: 1908.01222
Title: Single-jet inclusive rates with exact color at ${\cal O}(\alpha_s^4)$
Type: Paper
Authors: Michal Czakon, Andreas van Hameren, Alexander Mitov, Rene Poncelet
arXiv: 1907.12911
Info: Published in JHEP 1910 (2019) 262
Title: Matching coefficients in NRQCD to two-loop accuracy
Type: Paper
Authors: Marvin Gerlach, Go Mishima, Matthias Steinhauser
arXiv: 1907.08227
Info:Published in Phys.Rev. D100 (2019) no.5, 054016
Title: QCD corrections to Inclusive Heavy Hadron Weak Decays at $\Lambda_{\rm QCD}^3 /m_Q^3$
Type: Paper
Authors: Thomas Mannel, Alexei Pivovarov
arXiv: 1907.09187
Info:Published in Phys.Rev. D100 (2019) no.9, 093001
Title: The light-fermion contribution to the exact Higgs-gluon form factor in QCD
Type: Paper
Authors: Robert V. Harlander, Mario Prausa, Johann Usovitsch
arXiv: 1907.06957
Info:Published in JHEP 1910 (2019) 148
Title: Theory determination of $\boldsymbol{\bar{B}\to D^{(*)}\ell\nu}$ form factors at $\boldsymbol{\mathcal{O}(1/m_c^2)}$
Type: Paper
Authors: Marzia Bordone, Martin Jung, Danny van Dyk
arXiv: 1908.09398
Info:Published in Eur.Phys.J. C80 (2020) no.2, 74
Title: Strongly interacting dark sectors in the early Universe and at the LHC through a simplified portal
Type: Paper
Authors: Elias Bernreuther, Felix Kahlhoefer, Michael Krämer, Patrick Tunney
arXiv: 1907.04346
Info: published in JHEP 2001 (2020) 162
Title: The Singlet Extended Standard Model in the Context of Split Supersymmetry
Type: Paper
Authors: Martin Gabelmann, Margarete M. Mühlleitner, Florian Staub
arXiv: 1907.04338
Info: Phys.Rev. D100 (2019) 075026
Title: Analytic results for decays of color singlets to gg and qqbar final states at NNLO QCD with the nested soft-collinear subtraction scheme
Type: Paper
Authors: Fabrizio Caola, Kirill Melnikov, Raoul Roentsch
arXiv: 1907.05398
Info:Published in Eur.Phys.J. C79 (2019) no.12, 1013
Title: Order-v4 corrections to Higgs decay into J/ψ + γ
Type: Paper
Authors: Nora Brambilla, Hee Sok Chung, Wai Kin Lai, Vladyslav Shtabovenko, Antonio Vairo
arXiv: 1907.06473
Info:Published in Phys.Rev. D100 (2019) no.5, 054038
Title: Double Higgs boson production at NLO: combining the exact numerical result and high-energy expansion
Type: Paper
Authors: Joshua Davies, Gudrun Heinrich, Stephen P. Jones, Matthias Kerner, Go Mishima, Matthias Steinhauser, David Wellmann
arXiv: 1907.06408
Info:Published in JHEP 1911 (2019) 024
Title: Towards Constraining Dark Matter at the LHC: Higher order QCD predictions for $t\bar{t} + p_T^{miss}$
Type: Paper
Authors: G. Bevilacqua, H. B. Hartanto, M. Kraus, T. Weber and M. Worek
arXiv: 1907.09359
Info: Published in JHEP 1911 (2019) 001
Title: Nonfactorizable QCD Effects in Higgs Boson Production via Vector Boson Fusion
Type: Paper
Authors: Tao Liu, Kirill Melnikov, Alexander Penin
arXiv: 1906.10899
Info: Phys.Rev.Lett. 123 (2019) no.12, 122002
Title: Top quark mass dependence of the Higgs-gluon form factor at three loops
Type: Paper
Authors: Joshua Davies, Ramona Groeber, Andreas Maier, Thomas Rauh, Matthias Steinhauser
arXiv: 1906.00982
Info:Published in Phys.Rev. D100 (2019) no.3, 034017
Title: Addendum: “Impact of polarization observables and B_c → tau nu on new physics explanations of the b → c tau nu anomaly'”
Type: Paper
Authors: Monika Blanke, Andreas Crivellin, Teppei Kitahara, Marta Moscati, Ulrich Nierste, Ivan Nisandzic
arXiv: 1905.08253
Info:Published in Phys.Rev. D100 (2019) no.3, 035035. In collaboration with project C3a
Title: Double Higgs production in the high- and low-energy limits
Type: Proceedings
Authors: Joshua Davies
arXiv: N.A.
Title: Real-virtual corrections to Higgs boson pair production at NNLO: three closed top quark loops
Type: Paper
Authors: Joshua Davies, Florian Herren, Go Mishima, Matthias Steinhauser
arXiv: 1904.11998
Info:Published in JHEP 1905 (2019) 157
Title: Triple-real contribution to the quark beam function in QCD at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order
Type: Paper
Authors: Kirill Melnikov, Robbert Rietkerk, Lorenzo Tancredi, Christopher Wever
arXiv: 1904.02433
Info:Published in JHEP 1906 (2019) 033
Title: Reconstructing Rational Functions with FireFly
Type: Paper
Authors: Jonas Klappert, Fabian Lange
arXiv: 1904.00009
Info:Published in Comput.Phys.Commun. 247 (2020) 106951
Title: Spotting hidden sectors with Higgs binoculars
Type: Paper
Authors: Monika Blanke, Simon Kast, Jennifer Thompson, Susanne Westhoff, Jose Zurita
arXiv: 1901.07558
Info:Published in JHEP 1904 (2019) 160. In collaboration with project B2b.
Title: Two-Loop $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_t^2)$ Corrections to the Neutral Higgs Boson Masses in the CP-Violating NMSSM
Type: Paper
Authors: T.N. Dao, R. Gröber, M. Krause, M. Mühlleitner, H. Rzehak
arXiv: 1903.11358
Info:Published in JHEP 1908 (2019) 114
Title: Threshold Resummation for Dark-Matter Production at the LHC
Type: Paper
Authors: Michael Krämer, Anna Kulesza, Alexander Mück, Robin Schürmann
arXiv: 1903.06417
Info: Published in JHEP 1907 (2019) 064
Title: Analytic results for color-singlet production at NNLO QCD with the nested soft-collinear subtraction scheme
Type: Paper
Authors: Fabrizio Caola, Kirill Melnikov, Raoul Roentsch
arXiv: 1902.02081
Info: Published in Eur.Phys.J. C79 (2019) no.5, 386
Title: FIRE6: Feynman Integral REduction with Modular Arithmetic
Type: Paper
Authors: A.V. Smirnov, F.S. Chuharev
arXiv: 1901.07808
Info: Computer Physics Communications, Volume 247, February 2020, 106877
Title: Integrated triple-collinear counter-terms for nested soft-collinear subtraction scheme
Type: Paper
Authors: Maximilian Delto, Kirill Melnikov
arXiv: 1901.05213
Info: Published in JHEP 1905 (2019) 148