Principal Investigators | |
Dr. Anja Butter | Heidelberg University |
Prof. Gudrun Heinrich | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Prof. Wolfgang Kilian | University of Siegen |
This project aims at a better description of processes involving multiple vector bosons at the LHC, in particular vector-boson scattering and multi-boson s-channel production. It will include next-to-leading order QCD and electroweak corrections, as well as the modelling of realistic final states with an efficient Monte Carlo event generator. The project also involves the implementation of higher-dimensional operators in an effective field theory framework, and subsequent phenomenological studies of the sensitivity of such processes to BSM effects. To achieve this goal, substantial technical advances need to be made, both on the loop amplitude representation as well as on the phase space sampling side. Modern machine learning methods will be explored to push the efficiency of such a Monte Carlo framework to a higher level.
P3H-25-010 | |
Title: Double Higgs Production in Vector Boson Fusion at NLO QCD in HEFT | |
Type: Paper | |
Authors: Jens Braun, Pia Bredt, Gudrun Heinrich, Marius Höfer | |
2502.09132 | |
Info: |
P3H-24-118 |
Title: Extrapolating Jet Radiation with Autoregressive Transformers |
Type: Paper |
Authors: A. Butter, F. Charton, J. M. Villadamigo, A. Ore, T. Plehn and J. Spinner |
2412.12074 |
Info: |
P3H-24-117 |
Title: Accurate Surrogate Amplitudes with Calibrated Uncertainties |
Type: Paper |
Authors: H. Bahl, N. Elmer, L. Favaro, M. Haußmann, T. Plehn and R. Winterhalder |
2412.12069 |
Info: |
P3H-24-116 |
Title: Precision calibration of calorimeter signals in the ATLAS experiment using an uncertainty-aware neural network |
Type: Paper |
Authors: The ATLAS Collaboration |
2412.04370 |
Info: |
P3H-24-092 |
Title: Interpolating Amplitudes |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Victor Breso, Gudrun Heinrich, Vitaly Magerya, Anton Olsson |
arXiv: arXiv:2412.09534 |
Info: |
P3H-24-091 |
Title: New developments in the Whizard event generator |
Type: Proceedings |
Authors: Jürgen Reuter, Pia Bredt , Marius Höfer, Wolfgang Kilian, Nils Kreher, Maximilian Löschner, Krzysztof Mekała, Thorsten Ohl, Tobias Striegl, Aleksander Filip Żarnecki |
arXiv: 2412.06605 |
Info: We give a status report on new developments within the Whizard event generator. |
P3H-24-074 |
Title: Differentiable MadNIS-Lite |
Type: Paper |
Authors: T. Heimel, O. Mattelaer, T. Plehn and R. Winterhalder |
2408.01486 |
Info: |
P3H-23-108 |
Title: The MadNIS reloaded |
Type: Paper |
Authors: T. Heimel, N. Huetsch, F. Maltoni, O. Mattelaer, T. Plehn and R. Winterhalder |
arXiv: 2311.01548 |
Info: SciPost Phys. 17, no.1, 023 (2024) |
P3H-23-083 |
Title: Evaluating scattering amplitudes with pySecDec 1.6 |
Type: Proceedings |
Authors: Vitaly Magerya |
arXiv: 2311.00492 |
Info: Contribution to RADCOR 2023 |
P3H-22-136 |
Title: Loop amplitudes from precision networks |
Type: Paper |
Authors: S. Badger, A. Butter, M. Luchmann, S. Pitz and T. Plehn |
arXiv: 2206.14831 |
Info: Published in SciPost Phys. Core 6, 034 (2023) |
P3H-21-024 |
Title: Effective field theory versus UV-complete model: vector boson scattering as a case study |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Jannis Lang, Stefan Liebler, Heiko Schäfer-Siebert, Dieter Zeppenfeld |
arXiv: 2103.16517 |
Info:Published in Eur.Phys.J.C 81 (2021) 7, 659 |