Principal investigators | |
Prof. Margarete Muehlleitner | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Prof. Matthias Steinhauser | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
In project A3b we perform precision calculations related to the Higgs boson mass in supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model and to the Higgs boson self-couplings. QCD and electroweak corrections to Higgs boson pair production are computed both numerically and analytically. Further information about the Higgs self-couplings are obtained from Higgs-to-Higgs decays which are considered in various extensions of the Standard Model.
P3H-25-007 |
Title: Analytic next-to-leading order Yukawa and Higgs boson self-coupling corrections to $gg\to HH$ at high energies |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Joshua Davies, Kay Schoenwald, Matthias Steinhauser, Hantian Zhang |
arXiv: 2501.17920 |
Info: We consider electroweak corrections to Higgs boson pair production, taking into account the top quark Yukawa and Higgs boson self couplings. |
P3H-24-066 |
Title: QCD and electroweak corrections for single and double Higgs bosons production at the LHC |
Type: Proceedings |
Authors: Hantian Zhang |
arXiv: N.A. |
Info: |
P3H-24-060 |
Title: Towards NNLO QCD corrections to Higgs boson pair production |
Type: Proceedings |
Authors: Matthias Steinhauser |
arXiv: N.A. |
Info: |
P3H-24-049 |
Title: Massive two-loop four-point Feynman integrals at high energies with AsyInt |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Hantian Zhang |
arXiv: N.A. |
Info: |
P3H-24-034 |
Title: Three-loop corrections to Higgs boson pair production: reducible contribution |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Joshua Davies, Kay Schoenwald, Matthias Steinhauser, Marco Vitti |
arXiv: N.A. |
Info: |
P3H-24-111 |
Title: Higgs Mass Predictions in the CP-Violating High-Scale NMSSM |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Ch. Borschensky, T.N. Dao, M. Gabelmann, M. Mühlleitner, H. Rzehak | |
Info: Eur. Phys. J. C 85, 168 (2025) |
P3H-24-106 | |
Title: Intermediate charge-breaking phases and symmetry non-restoration in the 2-Higgs-Doublet Model | |
Type: Paper | |
Authors: M. Aoki, L. Biermann, Ch. Borschensky, I. Ivanov, M. Mühlleitner, H. Shibuya | | | |
Info: Published in JHEP 02 (2024) 232 |
P3H-24-045 |
Title: Electroweak corrections to 𝒈𝒈 → 𝑯𝑯: One-particle-reducible contributions |
Type: Proceedings |
Authors: Joshua Davies, Kay Schönwald, Matthias Steinhauser, Hantian Zhang |
arXiv: |
Info: |
P3H-24-025 |
Title: Triple Higgs boson production and electroweak phase transition in the two-real-singlet model |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Osama Karkout, Andreas Papaefstathiou, Marieke Postma, Gilberto Tetlalmatzi-Xolocotzi, Jorinde van de Vis, Tristan du Pree |
arXiv:2404.12425 |
Info: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) |
P3H-23-103 |
Title: Probing Higgs-muon interactions at a multi-TeV muon collider |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Eugenia Celada, Tao Han, Wolfgang Kilian, Nils Kreher, Yang Ma, Fabio Maltoni, Davide Pagani, Jürgen Reuter, Tobias Striegl, Keping Xie |
arXiv: arXiv:2312.13082 |
Info: |
P3H-23-093 |
Title: Charged Higgs-boson decays into quarks |
Type: Paper |
Authors: J. Chang, F. Kirk, M. Mühlleitner, M. Spira |
arXiv: 2306.11392 |
Info:Published in: Nucl. Phys. B 995 (2023) 116330 |
P3H-23-074 |
Title: Progress in two-loop electroweak corrections to $gg \to HH$ and $gg\to gH$ |
Type: Proceedings |
Authors: Hantian Zhang |
arXiv: arXiv:2310.14314 |
Info: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) |
P3H-23-065 |
Title: Rapidity distribution of pseudo-scalar Higgs in gluon fusion to $NNLO_A + \overline{NNLL}$ |
Type: Paper |
Authors: V. Ravindran, Aparna Sankar, Surabhi Tiwari |
arXiv: arXiv:2309.14833 |
Info: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) |
P3H-23-062 |
Title: Analytic results for massive $2\to2$ processes |
Type: Proceedings |
Authors: Matthias Steinhauser |
arXiv: arXiv:2309.14214 |
Info: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) |
P3H-23-057 |
Title: Master Integrals for Four-Loop Massless Form Factors |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Roman N. Lee, Andreas von Manteuffel, Robert M. Schabinger, Alexander V. Smirnov, Vladimir A. Smirnov, Matthias Steinhauser |
arXiv: arXiv:2309.00054 |
Info: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph); High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th) |
P3H-23-051 |
Title: Next-to-leading order electroweak corrections to gg→HH and gg→gH in the large-mt limit |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Joshua Davies, Kay Schönwald, Matthias Steinhauser, Hantian Zhang |
arXiv: 2308.01355 |
Info: |
P3H-23-043 |
Title: Towards $gg\to HH$ at next-to-next-to-leading order: light-fermionic three-loop corrections |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Joshua Davies, Kay Schönwald, Matthias Steinhauser |
2307.04796 |
Info: |
P3H-23-008 |
Title: Analytic approximations of $2\to 2$ processes with massive internal particles |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Joshua Davies, Go Mishima, Kay Schoenwald, Matthias Steinhauser |
arXiv: 2302.01356 |
Info: |
P3H-23-006 |
Title: Massive three-loop form factors: anomaly contribution |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Matteo Fael, Fabian Lange, Kay Schoenwald, Matthias Steinhauser |
arXiv: 2302.00693 |
Info: |
P3H-22-063 |
Title: Higgs boson contribution to the leading two-loop Yukawa corrections to $gg\to HH$ |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Joshua Davies, Go Mishima, Kay Schönwald, Matthias Steinhauser, Hantian Zhang |
arXiv: 2207.02587 |
Info: Published in JHEP 08 (2022) 259 |