Principal Investigator | |
Prof. Guido Bell | Siegen University |
Prof. Michal Czakon | RWTH Aachen University |
Prof. Kirill Melnikov | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
In this project we will study perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of power corrections to collider processes. Specifically, we plan to develop novel techniques to extend the renormalon calculus to processes with non-abelian interactions, we envisage improving effective-field-theory methods for resummations at sub-leading power, and we will compute power-suppressed terms to cross sections and kinematic distributions that are needed to improve slicing techniques for fixed-order QCD calculations.
P3H-24-052 |
Title: Linear power corrections to single top production and decay at the LHC in the narrow width approximation |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Sergei Makarov, Kirill Melnikov, Paolo Nason, Melih A. Ozcelik |
arXiv: N.A. |
Info: |
P3H-24-093 |
Title: $B_c \to \eta_c$ form factors at large recoil: Interplay of soft-quark and soft-gluon dynamics |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Guido Bell, Philipp Böer, Thorsten Feldmann, Dennis Horstmann, Vladyslav Shtabovenko | |
Info: |
P3H-23-098 |
Title: N3LL resummation of one-jettiness for Z-boson plus jet production at hadron colliders |
Type: Paper |
Authors: S. Alioli, G. Bell, G. Billis, A. Broggio, B. Dehnadi, M. A. Lim, G. Marinelli, R. Nagar, D. Napoletano,R. Rahn |
arXiv: 2312.06496 |
Info: Published in Phys.Rev.D 109 (2024) 9, 094009 |
P3H-23-072 |
Title: t-channel single-top production: the contribution of non-factorisable corrections |
Type: Proceedings |
Authors: Christian Brønnum-Hansen, Jérémie Juvin-Quarroz, Chiara Signorile-Signorile, Chen-Yu Wang |
arXiv: N.A. |
Info: Contribution to EPS-HEP2023 conference |
P3H-23-058 |
Title: Soft-overlap contribution to B_c → \eta_c form factors: diagrammatic resummation of double logarithms |
Type: Proceedings |
Authors: Guido Bell, Philipp Böer, Thorsten Feldmann, Dennis Horstmann, Vladyslav Shtabovenko |
arXiv: arXiv:2309.08410 |
Info: Published in PoS RADCOR2023 (2024) 086 |
P3H-23-039 |
Title: Higgs rapidity in bottom annihilation at NNLL and beyond |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Goutam Das |
arXiv: 2306.04561 |
Info: |
P3H-23-018 |
Title: Z, W rapidity distributions at NNLL and beyond |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Goutam Das |
arXiv: 2303.16578 |
Info: |
P3H-23-016 |
Title: Evaluating master integrals in non-factorizable corrections to $t$-channel single-top production at NNLO QCD |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Zihao Wu, Ming-Ming Long |
arXiv: 2303.08814 |
Info: |
P3H-23-011 |
Title: Non-factorisable corrections to t-channel single-top production: comparing results for the LHC and FCC |
Type: Proceedings |
Authors: Christian Brønnum-Hansen, Jérémie Quarroz, Chiara Signorile-Signorile, Chen-Yu Wang |
arXiv: arXiv:2207.10350 |
Info: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) |
P3H-23-007 |
Title: Linear power corrections to single top production processes at the LHC |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Sergei Makarov, Kirill Melnikov, Paolo Nason, Melih Ozcelik |
arXiv: 2302.02729 |
Info: |
P3H-22-036 |
Title: Linear power corrections to e+ e− shape variables in the three-jet region |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Fabrizio Caola, Silvia Ferrario Ravasio, Giovanni Limatola, Kirill Melnikov, Paolo Nason, Melih A. Ozcelik |
arXiv: 2204.02247 |
Info: Published in JHEP 12 (2022) 062 |