Principal Investigators | |
Dr. Tobias Huber | University of Siegen |
Prof. Thomas Mannel | University of Siegen |
Prof. Matthias Steinhauser | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
In project C1a various aspects of the Heavy Quark Expansion are used to provide precision predictions for inclusive B-meson decays. Both higher order perturbative corrections and non-perturbative matrix elements will be computed. This will lead to a more precise determination of fundamental flavour-physics parameters such as the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element $V_{cb}$.
P3H-24-101 |
Title: Total decay rates of $B$ mesons at NNLO-QCD |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Manuel Egner, Matteo Fael, Alexander Lenz, Maria Laura Piscopo, Aleksey V. Rusov,Kay Schönwald, Matthias Steinhauser |
arXiv: 2412.14035 |
Info: |
P3H-24-059 |
Title: Precision Calculations in đť‘© physics |
Type: Proceedings |
Authors: Matthias Steinhauser |
arXiv: N.A. |
Info: |
P3H-24-041 |
Title: Nonleptonic $B$-meson decays to next-to-next-to-leading order |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Manuel Egner, Matteo Fael, Kay Sch\“onwald, Matthias Steinhauser |
arXiv: N.A. |
Info: |
P3H-24-038 |
Title: B decays to NNLO |
Type: Proceedings |
Authors: Manuel Egner |
arXiv: N.A. |
Info: |
P3H-24-024 |
Title: Global fit to $\boldsymbol{b \to c\tau\nu}$ anomaly 2024 Spring breeze |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Syuhei Iguro, Teppei Kitahara, Ryoutaro Watanabe |
arXiv:2210.10751 |
Info: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph); High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex) |
P3H-24-086 |
Title: Collider-Flavour Complementarity from the bottom to the top |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Oliver Atkinson, Christoph Englert, Matthew Kirk, Gilberto Tetlalmatzi-Xolocotzi |
arXiv: |
Info: |
P3H-24-065 |
Title: Kolya: An Open-Source Package for Inclusive Semileptonic $B$ Decays |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Matteo Fael, Ilija Milutin, K. Keri Vos |
arXiv: |
Info: |
P3H-24-053 |
Title: QCD corrections at subleading power in $1/m_b$ for inclusive nonleptonic $b\rightarrow c\bar u d$ decays |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Thomas Mannel, Daniel Moreno, Alexei A. Pivovarov |
arXiv: |
Info: Published in Physics. Rev D110 (2024) 9, 094011 |
P3H-24-039 |
Title: Quark-Hadron Duality Violations and Higher Orders $1/m_b$ Corrections in Semileptonic $B$ Decays |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Thomas Mannel, Ilija S. Milutin, K. Keri Vos, Rens Verkate | |
P3H-24-036 |
Title: Heavy-to-light form factors to three loops |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Matteo Fael, Tobias Huber, Fabian Lange, Jakob Mueller, Kay Schoenwald, Matthias Steinhauser |
arXiv: |
Info: |
P3H-24-027 |
Title: Targeting (Pseudo)-Scalar CP Violation with $B_s \to \mu^+\mu^-$ |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Robert Fleischer, Eleftheria Malami, Anders Rehult, K. Keri Vos |
arXiv: |
Info: |
P3H-24-022 |
Title: Inclusive $\bar{B}\to X_s \ell^+\ell^-$ at the LHC: theory predictions and new-physics reach |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Tobias Huber, Tobias Hurth, Jack Jenkins, Enrico Lunghi, Qin Qin, K. Keri Vos |
arXiv2404.03517 |
Info:High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph); High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex) |
P3H-23-104 |
Title: Non-factorisable Contributions of Strong-Penguin Operators in $\Lambda_b \to \Lambda \ell^+\ell^-$ Decays |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Thorsten Feldmann, Nico Gubernari |
arXiv: 2312.14146 |
Info: Published in JHEP 03 (2024) 152 |
P3H-23-099 |
Title: Structure-dependent QED effects in exclusive B-meson decays |
Type: Review |
Authors: Philipp Böer, Thorsten Feldmann |
arXiv: 2312.12885 |
Info: Published in Eur. Phys. J. ST 233 (2024) 2, 299-323 |
P3H-23-094 |
Title: Higher twist corrections to $B$-meson decays into a proton and dark antibaryon from QCD light-cone sum rules |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Anastasia Boushmelev, Marcel Wald |
arXiv: 2311.13482 |
Info: |
P3H-23-092 |
Title: Inclusive Semileptonic $b \to c \ell \bar{\nu}$ Decays to Order $1/m^5$ |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Thomas Mannel, Ilija S. Milutin, K. Keri Vos |
arXiv: arXiv: 2311.12002 |
Info: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) |
P3H-23-087 |
Title: A guide to the QCD light-cone sum rules for b-quark decays |
Type: Proceedings |
Authors: Alexander Khodjamirian, Blazenka Melic,Yu-Ming Wang |
arXiv: arXiv: 2311.08700 |
Info: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph); High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex); High Energy Physics - Lattice (hep-lat) |
P3H-23-064 |
Title: $B\to D_0^*$ and $B_s\to D_{s0}^*$ form factors from QCD light-cone sum rules |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Nico Gubernari, Alexander Khodjamirian, Rusa Mandal, Thomas Mannel |
arXiv: arXiv:2309.10165 |
Info: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph); High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex) |
P3H-23-063 |
Title: The Q1,2-Q7 interference contributions to b → s gamma at O(\alpha_s2) for the physical value of mc |
Type: Paper |
Authors: M. Czaja, M. Czakon, T. Huber, M. Misiak, M. Niggetiedt, A. Rehman, K. Schoenwald, M. Steinhauser |
arXiv: 2309.14707 |
Info: |
P3H-23-059 |
Title: Three-loop $b\to s\gamma$ vertex with current-current operators |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Matteo Fael, Fabian Lange, Kay Sch\“onwald, Matthias Steinhauser |
arXiv: arXiv:2309.14706 |
Info: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) |
P3H-23-053 |
Title: Revisiting semileptonic B meson decays at NNLO |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Manuel Egner, Matteo Fael, Kay Schönwald, Matthias Steinhauser |
arXiv: 2308.01346 |
Info: |
P3H-23-047 |
Title: Refactorization of endpoint divergencies for the ${\cal O}_7$ contribution to $\bar B_s \to \mu^+\mu^-$ |
Type: Proceedings |
Authors: Nicolas Seitz |
arXiv: arXiv:2307.14216 |
Info: Published in PoS FPCP2023 061 |
P3H-23-028 |
Title: Prospects for $B_c^+$ and $B^+\to \tau^+ \nu_\tau$ at FCC-ee |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Marco Fedele, Clément Helsens, Donal Hill, Syuhei Iguro, Markus Klute, Xunwu Zuo |
arXiv: 2305.02998 |
Info: |
P3H-23-026 |
Title: Dispersive Analysis of $B \to K^{(*)}$ and $B_s \to \phi$ Form Factors |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Nico Gubernari, Meril Reboud, Danny van Dyk, Javier Virto |
arXiv: 2305.06301 |
Info: Published in JHEP 12 (2023) 153 |
P3H-23-024 |
Title: The heavy quark expansion for lifetimes: Towards the QCD corrections to power suppressed terms |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Thomas Mannel, Daniel Moreno, Alexei A. Pivovarov |
arXiv: 2304.08964 |
Info: |
P3H-23-004 |
Title: Light-Cone Sum Rules for $S$-wave $B\to K\pi$ Form Factors |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Sebastien Descotes-Genon, Alexander Khodjamirian, Javier Virto, K. Keri Vos |
arXiv: 2304.02973 |
Info: Published in: JHEP 06 (2023) 034 |
P3H-22-128 |
Title: $B_s \to \mu^+ \mu^-$ in a Two-Higgs-Doublet Model with flavour-changing up-type Yukawa couplings |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Martin S. Lang, Ulrich Nierste |
arXiv: 2212.11086 |
Info: |
P3H-22-127 |
Title: Constraints on Lepton Universality Violation from Rare B Decays |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Marco Ciuchini, Marco Fedele, Enrico Franco, Ayan Paul, Luca Silvestrini, Mauro Valli |
arXiv: 2212.10516 |
Info: Published in Phys.Rev.D 107 (2023) 5, 055036 |
P3H-22-126 |
Title: Quark Hadron Duality at work: lifetimes of bottom baryons |
Type: Paper |
Authors: James Gratrex, Blazenka Melic, Alexander Lenz; Ivan Nisandzic, Maria Laura Piccopo, Aleksey Rusov |
arXiv: 2301.07698 |
Info: Published in JHEP 04 (2023) 034 |
P3H-22-125 |
Title: B meson Decay Constants Using Relativistic Heavy Quarks |
Type: Proceedings |
Authors: Matthew Black, Oliver Witzel |
arXiv: 2212.10125 |
Info: Published in PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 405 |
P3H-22-090 |
Title: New physics contributions to moments of inclusive $b \to c$ semileptonic decays |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Matteo Fael, Muslem Rahimi, K. Keri Vos |
arXiv: 2208.04282 |
Info: Published in JHEP 02 (2023) 086 |