Principal Investigators | |
Prof. Robert Harlander | RWTH Aachen University |
Prof. Alexander Lenz | Siegen University |
Prof. Ulrich Nierste | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
The project aims at the theoretical description of lifetime and mixing observables of B- mesons by calculating matrix elements of specific four-quark operators of mass dimension six and seven. To achieve this, we will pursue two different approaches. On the one hand, sum rules will be calculated at the three-loop level within the framework of the heavy-quark effective theory (HQET). In the second approach, we will establish a re-normalisation scheme for the relevant operators based on the gradient-flow formalism. The perturbative matching coefficients to the MSbar scheme will be calculated through next-to-next-to-leading order in the strong coupling, while the non-perturbative matrix elements will be determined on the lattice from available gauge configurations.
Sum rules:
Gradient flow
P3H-24-099 |
Title: Constraining $B$-mesogenesis models with $B$ meson lifetimes, inclusive and exclusive $B$ decays |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Alexander Lenz, Ali Mohamed, Zachary Wüthrich |
arXiv: N.A. |
Info: |
P3H-24-098 |
Title: HQET sum rules for matrix elements of dimension-six four-quark operators for meson lifetimes within and beyond the Standard Model |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Matthew Black, Martin Lang, Alexander Lenz, Zachary Wüthrich |
arXiv: N.A. |
Info: |
P3H-24-067 |
Title: Gradient Flow Renormalisation for Meson Mixing and Lifetimes |
Type: Proceedings |
Authors: Matthew Black, Robert Harlander, Fabian Lange, Antonio Rago, Andrea Shindler, Oliver Witzel |
arXiv: 2409.18891 |
Proceedings of Lattice 2024 |
P3H-24-050 |
Title: ftint: Calculating gradient-flow integrals with pySecDec |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Robert V. Harlander, Theodoros Nellopoulos, Anton Olsson, Marius Wesle |
2407.16529 |
Published in Comput. Phys. Commun. 306 (2025) 109384 |
P3H-23-076 |
Title: Using Gradient Flow to Renormalise Matrix Elements for Meson Mixing and Lifetimes |
Type: Proceedings |
Authors: Matthew Black, Robert Harlander, Fabian Lange, Antonio Rago, Andrea Shindler and Oliver Witzel |
arXiv: 2310.18059 |
Proceedings of Lattice 2023 |
P3H-23-075 |
Title: Short-flow-time expansion of quark bilinears through next-to-next-to-leading order QCD |
Type: Paper |
Authors: Janosch Borgulat, Robert V. Harlander, Jonas T. Kohnen, Fabian Lange |
arXiv: 2311.16799 |
Published in JHEP 05 (2024) 179 |
P3H-23-017 |
Title: Exclusive semileptonic $B_s \to K \ell \nu$ decays on the lattice |
Type: Paper |
Authors: J.M. Flynn, R.C. Hill, A. Jüttner, A. Soni, J.T. Tsang, and O. Witzel |
arXiv: 2303.11280 |
Info: |
P3H-21-104 |
Title: The effective electroweak Hamiltonian in the gradient-flow formalism |
Type: Paper |
Authors: R.V. Harlander and F. Lange |
arXiv: 2291.08618 |
Published in Phys.Rev.D 105 (2022) 7, L071504 |