Seminar Archive

This page contains a (almost) complete list of all seminars held at the CRC nodes since the end of 2018.
The sources of the seminars are the following online calendars:

For a list of talks (and slides) given by CRC members at various conferences see here .

All Seminars

Hadronic vacuum polarization
Bogdan Malaescu (U. Paris), 15.05.2025, Karlsruhe

Hadronic vacuum polarization
Bogdan Malaescu (U. Paris), 08.05.2025, Karlsruhe

Hadronic vacuum polarization
Bogdan Malaescu (U. Paris), 13.02.2025, Karlsruhe

CP Violation of baryon decays
Fu-Sheng Yu (Lanzhou U.), 10.02.2025, Siegen

The use of astrophysical compact objects to look for new physics
Andrea Caputo (CERN), 06.02.2025, Karlsruhe

Probing axions and axion-like particles
Yotam Soreq (Technion), 30.01.2025, Karlsruhe

Towards accurate parton showers
Gavin Salam (University of Oxford), 28.01.2025, Aachen

CP violation in bottom-baryon decays
Fu-Sheng Yu (Lanzhou U.), 27.01.2025, Siegen

Heavy scalars to top at ATLAS
Katharina Behr (DESY), 23.01.2025, Karlsruhe

Stochastic gravitational waves from early universe phase transitions
Marek Lewicki (U. Warsaw), 16.01.2025, Karlsruhe

Di-Higgs at the LHC
Benjamin Fischer (RWTH Aachen University), 14.01.2025, Aachen

The Auxiliary Mass Flow Method and Its Application
Xiao Liu, 13.01.2025, Siegen

Xiao Liu - TBD, 13.01.2025, Siegen

Physics opportunities at FCC-ee
Stéphane Monteil (U. Clermont-Ferrand), 09.01.2025, Karlsruhe

Exploring the Boundaries of New Physics
Matthew McCullough (CERN), 07.01.2025, Siegen

Opportunities in charm physics
Marco Gersabeck (U. Freiburg), 19.12.2024, Karlsruhe

Chasing Ghosts in Extreme Environments – Astroparticle Physics with High-Energy Neutrinos
Claudio Kopper (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg), 17.12.2024, Aachen

Effective Field Theory for Diffraction
Iain Stewart (MIT), 16.12.2024, Siegen

What can we learn with charm?
Carolina Bolognani (Maastricht U.), 09.12.2024, Siegen

High-precision measurement of the W boson mass at CMS
Jan Eysermans (MIT), 05.12.2024, Karlsruhe

D What is the top quark mass? - On its Measurements and Definitions
André H. Hoang (University of Vienna), 03.12.2024, Aachen

The ρ and K* resonances using lattice QCD at physical quark masses
Nelson Lachini (Cambridge U.), 02.12.2024, Siegen

The Flavor Path to New Physics
Claudia Cornella (CERN), 28.11.2024, Karlsruhe

XENON in search for dark matter
Christian Weinheimer (Münster University), 19.11.2024, Aachen

NNNLO zero-jettiness QCD soft function
Andrey Pikelner (KIT), 18.11.2024, Siegen

Amplitudes for Heavy-Quark pair production
Benedikt Gurdon (RWTH Aachen University), 12.11.2024, Aachen

Probing quantum interference effects at the LHC with pp->tt and pp->ttH
Leon Mans (RWTH Aachen University), 12.11.2024, Aachen

Amplitudes for Heavy-Quark pair production
Marco Bigazzi (RWTH Aachen University), 12.11.2024, Aachen

Probing quantum interference effects at the LHC with pp->tt and pp->ttH
Benedikt Gurdon (RWTH Aachen University), 12.11.2024, Aachen

The two-pole nature of the Lambda(1405) from lattice QCD
John Bulava (Bochum U.), 11.11.2024, Siegen

Top entanglement
Jay Howarth (University of Glasgow), 22.10.2024, Aachen

Energy correlators for the top quark mass
Massimiliano Procura (Vienna U.), 21.10.2024, Siegen

Non-leptonic B decays at NNLO
Kay Schönwald (U. Zürich), 14.10.2024, Siegen

Electroweak Contributions to Indirect CP Violation in Neutral Kaons
Zachary Polonsky (U. Zurich), 07.10.2024, Siegen

Searching for new physics with neutrino scattering
Christoph Ternes (LNGS), 25.07.2024, Karlsruhe

$q^2$ Moments in Inclusive Semi‐Leptonic $B$ Decays
Gael Finauri (TUM), 15.07.2024, Siegen

Observation of entangled top quarks at the Large Hadron Collider
Andrea Knue (U. Dortmund), 11.07.2024, Karlsruhe

The Beauty of Physics at the B Factory Experiment Belle II
Thomas Kuhr (LMU Munich), 09.07.2024, Aachen

Massive quark effects in Drell-Yan
Bahman Dehnadi (DESY), 01.07.2024, Siegen

Status of Galactic cosmic ray physics - with an antimatter taste
Silvia Manconi (LAPTh Annecy), 27.06.2024, Karlsruhe

The top quark legacy of the LHC Run II for PDF and SMEFT analyses
Maria Ubiali (University of Cambridge), 25.06.2024, Aachen

Propagation of cosmic rays through space
Michael Unger (KIT), 20.06.2024, Karlsruhe

Propagation of cosmic rays through space
Michael Unger (KIT), 13.06.2024, Karlsruhe

Top quark entanglement
James Howarth (University of Glasgow), 11.06.2024, Aachen

Direct Dark Matter search with low-background detectors
Sebastian Lindemann (U. Freiburg), 06.06.2024, Karlsruhe

Perturbative Calculations for Light Quark-Flavour Physics
Martin Gorbahn (Liverpool U.), 03.06.2024, Siegen

Global fits of the SM and beyond
Laura Reina (Florida State University), 28.05.2024, Aachen

4D sensors
Nicolo Cartiglia (INFN Torino), 16.05.2024, Karlsruhe

Presentations by students wishing to join the RTG
Jonas Kohnen/Mate Farkas (RWTH Aachen University), 14.05.2024, Aachen

Complete NLO QCD Corrections to Z-boson Pair Production in Gluon-Fusion
Stephen Jones (IPPP Durham), 13.05.2024, Siegen

Know your footprint - in High Energy Physics and related fields
Valerie Lang (U. Freiburg), 02.05.2024, Karlsruhe

Targeting NNLO+PS accuracy with MiNNLOPS
Silvia Zanoli (U. Oxford), 22.04.2024, Siegen

Quantum Information at Colliders
Kazuki Sakurai (Warsaw U.), 08.04.2024, Siegen

Dark matter detection using superfluid helium
Bjoern Penning (University of Michigan), 08.02.2024, Karlsruhe

Modular Invariance and the Flavor Puzzle
Ferruccio Feruglio (INFN Padua), 01.02.2024, Karlsruhe

Future colliders
Roberto Franceschini (INFN Rome), 25.01.2024, Karlsruhe

Observation of four-top-production at the LHC
Kirill Skovpen (Ghent University), 23.01.2024, Aachen

AI designed detectors
Jan Kieseler (KIT ETP), 18.01.2024, Karlsruhe

Flavour Physics - Quo vadis?​ (postponed)
Alexander Lenz (University of Siegen), 16.01.2024, Aachen

High Density QCD with Heavy-Ion and Proton Beams
Jan Fiete Grosse-Oetringhaus (CERN), 21.12.2023, Karlsruhe

Inflation and the Structure of the Higgs Vacuum
Matthew McCullough (CERN), 14.12.2023, Karlsruhe

Introductory presentations by new PhD students
Manal Alsairafi, Kai Adamowicz, Saimeng Zhou (RWTH Aachen University), 12.12.2023, Aachen

The Failure of Naturalness
Tevong You (King's College London), 07.12.2023, Karlsruhe

Evidence for a rate B meson decay with two invisible neutrinos at Belle II
Slavomira Stefkova (KIT ETP), 30.11.2023, Karlsruhe

Introductory presentations by new PhD students
Marie Hein, Benedikt Gurdon, Houssem Amami, Nitish Kumar (RWTH Aachen University), 28.11.2023, Aachen

Introduction to the RTG, past and future, and Q&A with the RTG students
Michal Czakon (RWTH Aachen University), 14.11.2023, Aachen