Collaborative Research Center TRR 257

This is an old revision of the document!


17.02.2021 - We are starting the Physicists in Industry series on career opportunities outside of Academia. The first (virtual) session will be with Marco Baumgartl (BMW Group) on Thursday, February 25th at 4.30pm.

08.10.2020 - The Annual meeting of the Collaborative Research Center took place in Siegen from Oct. 6th to Oct. 8th. The meeting was held in a hybrid (live and zoom) format. Presentations are available online.

03.07.2020 - We would like to welcome Gudrun Heinrich (KIT) and Alexander Lenz (Siegen) as two new principal investigators of the CRC. Within the CRC, Gudrun will develop numerical methods for computing two-loop amplitudes with many mass scales and Alexander will study possible ways to constrain non-perturbative parameters that appear within the heavy quark expansion.

30.06.2020 - We have recently started the new series of talks – the CRC colloquium. The idea is to have CRC PIs talk about their current research. The first talk of the series on “How to GAN” was given by Tilman Plehn (Heidelberg) on June 30th. The second talk on “Precision Flavor physics” will be given by Tobias Huber (Siegen) on July 13th.

08.06.2020 - We are happy to announce the First Young Scientists Forum of the SFB TRR 257 which will take place on June 09th, June 17th and June 23rd from 2pm - 4:30pm. The Young Scientists Forum is a series of remote seminars given by Ph.D. students and young Postocs from Aachen, Heidelberg, Karlsruhe and Siegen. It features short (12+3 minutes) presentations. The purpose of the event is to train the speakers to talk about their research in front of a large audience and to strengthen scientific collaborations during the corona lock-down.

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