Collaborative Research Center TRR 257

Create News Article

New Event

'News Date' is the date when the event will take place (not the date when the news is posted). It will be put in the title of the news. For events spanning multiple days use the format 'DD.MM--DD.MM.YYYY'

'Starting Date' is the date when the event will start. It is used for archival purposes and must be entered in the format 'YYYY.MM.DD'.

Please do not use ':', ';', '/' and similar characters.

Please verify the data you entered before submitting.


Only edit this fieldset if “Site organizing the event” is set to “RWTH Aachen University”.


Only edit this fieldset if “Site organizing the event” is set to “Heidelberg University”.


Only edit this fieldset if “Site organizing the event” is set to “KIT”.


Only edit this fieldset if “Site organizing the event” is set to “University of Siegen”.


Only edit this fieldset if “Site organizing the event” is set to “External”.

From an original implementation written by Christoph Borschensky.

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