The goal of this project is to advance theoretical predictions for a number of relevant benchmark processes for Higgs boson production at the LHC that combine higher-order QCD corrections and effects of higher-dimensional operators. For Higgs production in weak boson fusion and Higgs associated production we aim at a combination of NNLO QCD corrections and anomalous couplings. For Higgs pair production, NLO electroweak corrections will be included, for Higgs production in association with two jets the NLO QCD corrections with full top quark mass dependence will be calculated.
Research Topics
NNLO QCD corrections to WBF including Higgs boson decays
NNLO QCD corrections to Higgs production in WBF in association with one additional jet
N$^3$LO QCD corrections to WBF using projection-to-Born method at a fully-differential level
Beyond factorization approximation for QCD corrections: non-factorizable corrections in the logarithmic approximation, development of reduction techniques that account for the small parameter right away, real emission contributions to the non-factorizable corrections
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