Collaborative Research Center TRR 257

B1a : N$^3$LO QCD predictions for production cross sections of colourless systems in association with a resolved jet

Principal Investigator
Prof. Guido Bell Siegen University
Prof. Michal Czakon RWTH Aachen University
Prof. Kirill Melnikov Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


The goal of this project is to study the production of two colourless final state particles, in particular gauge-boson pairs, or the production of a vector gauge boson or a Higgs boson in association with a jet at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order in QCD. A good understanding of these processes is of paramount importance for Standard Model physics, precision Higgs physics, and searches for new phenomena. The predictions will be obtained with slicing methods and the required 1-jettiness soft function will be evaluated.


  1. NNLO QCD computations for $V+j$ processes at NNLO QCD: fast and reliable calculations in nearly-singular kinematic regions (small $p_\perp$ or jettiness) for $V^*+j$ and $H+j$.
  2. Beam functions at N$^3$LO QCD: computation of the jettiness beam function at N$^3$LO QCD; computation of the $p_\perp$ beam function at N$^3$LO QCD.
  3. Soft function at N$^3$LO QCD: computation of the jettiness soft function at N$^3$LO QCD.
  4. Phenomenology: Color-singlet phenomenology at N$^3$LO QCD (fiducial cross sections, Higgs couplings, charge asymmetry, lepton $p_\perp$ distribution, parton distribution functions, $W$-boson mass.
Title: Triple-real emission contribution to the zero-jettiness soft function at N3LO in QCD
Type: Paper
Authors: Daniel Baranowski, Maximilian Delto, Kirill Melnikov, Andrey Pikelner, Chen-Yu Wang
arXiv: N.A.
Title: QCD corrections to Higgs boson production and H→bb̄ decay in weak boson fusion
Type: Paper
Authors: Konstantin Asteriadis, Arnd Behring, Kirill Melnikov, Ivan Novikov, Raoul Röntsch
arXiv: 2407.09363
Title: Zero-jettiness soft function to third order in perturbative QCD
Type: Paper
Authors: Daniel Baranowski, Maximilian Delto, Kirill Melnikov, Andrey Pikelner, Chen-Yu Wang
arXiv: N.A.
Title: QCD corrections to Higgs boson production and $H \to b \bar{b}$ decay in weak boson fusion
Type: Paper
Authors: Konstantin Asteriadis, Arnd Behring, Kirill Melnikov, Ivan Novikov, Raoul Roentsch
arXiv: N.A.
Title: N-jettiness soft function at next-to-next-to-leading order in perturbative QCD
Type: Paper
Authors: Prem Agarwal, Kirill Melnikov, Ivan Pedron
arXiv: N.A.
Title: NNLO beam functions for angularity distributions
Type: Paper
Authors: Guido Bell, Kevin Brune, Goutam Das, Marcel Wald
arXiv: 2409.13348
Title: Revisiting strong-coupling determinations from e+e− event shapes
Type: Proceedings
Authors: G. Bell, C. Lee, Y. Makris, J. Talbert, B. Yan
arXiv: 2406.07916
Info: Contribution to the 2024 QCD session of the 58th Rencontres de Moriond.
Title: The NNLO gluon beam function for jet veto resummation
Type: Paper
Authors: G. Bell, K. Brune, G. Das, D. Shao, M. Wald
arXiv: 2403.15247
Info: Published in JHEP 07 (2024) 014
Title: One-loop corrections to the double-real emission contribution to the zero-jettiness soft function at N3LO in QCD
Type: Paper
Authors: Daniel Baranowski, Maximilian Delto, Kirill Melnikov, Andrey Pikelner, Chen-Yu Wang
arXiv: 2401.05245
Info: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)
Title: Revisiting the double-soft asymptotics of one-loop amplitudes in massless QCD
Type: Paper
Authors: M. Czakon, F. Eschment, T. Schellenberger
arXiv: 2211.06465
Info: Published in JHEP 04 (2023) 065
Title: Beam functions for $N$-jettiness at N$^3$LO in perturbative QCD
Type: Paper
Authors: Daniel Baranowski, Arnd Behring, Kirill Melnikov, Lorenzo Tancredi, Christopher Wever
arXiv: 221105722
Info: Published in JHEP 02 (2023) 073
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