B2a Automated calculations in soft-collinear effective theory
Principal Investigator | |
Prof. Guido Bell | University of Siegen |
This project aims at streamlining calculations in Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET). Specifically, we envisage to develop automated codes for the calculation of soft, jet and beam functions to next-to-next-to-leading order in the strong-coupling expansion, and we will apply them to compute various key ingredients that are needed to extend SCET resummations to higher logarithmic accuracy. Likewise we will compute counterterms for NNLO slicing techniques, and we plan to interface our codes with the SCETlib library to enable automated resummations based on effective-field-theory methods.
- Soft functions
- Extension of SoftSERVE to processes with aribtrary number of jets
- Development of a similar code for top-quark related soft functions
- Development of an automated resummation code for e+eā observables ā¦ Comparison to the CAESAR/ARES approach
- Extension to hadron-collider observables
- SCET subtractions
- $N$ -jettiness subtraction for processes with more than one jet
- $q_\perp$ subtraction for (associated) tt Ģ production
- Studies to improve performance of NNLO subtraction/slicing techniques