Collaborative Research Center TRR 257

B2c: Anomalous couplings in the top quark sector

Principal Investigator
Prof. Gudrun Heinrich Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Prof. Malgorzata Worek RWTH Aachen University


The goal of this project is to systematically investigate the effects of anomalous couplings in combination with higher order corrections on observables in the top quark sector. A starting point will be the process pp → ttH at NLO QCD, including the relevant dimension-six operators. Subsequently, top quark- and Higgs boson decays will be incorporated, where additional operators will be required. This has the potential to provide information which is complementary to the one obtained from Higgs observables or flavour physics, and therefore is of crucial importance to eliminate flat directions in the coupling parameter space and to uncover potential anomalies related to heavy quarks. The project includes the construction of a state-of-the-art NLO Monte Carlo program within SMEFT for processes involving a top quark pair.


  1. anomalous couplings in $t\bar t X$ production ($X=H,\gamma, Z, W^\pm$), combination with NLO QCD corrections
  2. inclusion of anomalous couplings in top quark decays in the narrow-width approximation
  3. inclusion of full off-shell effects within SMEFT
  4. public Monte Carlo event generator for $pp\to t\bar t X$ at NLO with full off-shell effects, within SMEFT
Title: CP structure of the top-quark Yukawa interaction: NLO QCD corrections and off-shell effect
Type: Paper
Authors: Jonathan Hermann, Daniel Stremmer and Malgorzata Worek
arXiv: 2205.09983
Info: Published in JHEP 09 (2022) 138
Title: Anomalous couplings in Higgs boson pair production at approximate NNLO QCD
Type: Paper
Authors: Daniel de Florian, Ignacio Fabre, Gudrun Heinrich, Javier Mazzitelli, Ludovic Scyboz
arXiv: 2106.14050
Info: Published in JHEP 09 (2021) 161
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