Collaborative Research Center TRR 257

C1b: $\mathbf{B - \overline{B}}$ mixing, CP violation, and lifetimes

Principal Investigators
Prof. Alexander Lenz Siegen University
Prof. Ulrich Nierste Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Prof. Matthias Steinhauser Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


The main focus of project C1b are lifetimes and inclusive decays of B and D mesons. Based on the Heavy Quark Expansion a systematic expansion of the physical quantities are obtained as an expansion in the inverse heavy quark mass. Several matching coefficient are computed to higher order in perturbative QCD and their phenomenological implications are studied.

Project Topics

  1. $\mathbf{\Gamma_{12}^q}$ to NNLO for $\mathbf{m_c=0}$
    • will reduce perturbative uncertainty of leading-power contribution to $\Delta \Gamma_s$ from $\sim$10% to $\sim$3%
    • requires solution of new three-loop integral families
  2. $\mathbf{\Gamma_{12}^q}$ at order $\mathbf{\alpha_s/m_b}$
    • needed to reduce overall uncertainty in $\Delta \Gamma_q/\Delta M_q$ well below 10\%
  3. $\mathbf{\tau(B^+)/\tau(B_d)}$ and $\mathbf{\tau(\Xi_b^0)/\tau(\Xi_b^-)}$ at orders $\mathbf{\alpha_s^2}$ and $\mathbf{\alpha_s/m_b}$
    • tests the formalism (HQE and lattice calculations)
  4. Charm hadron lifetimes
    • tests the HQE at order $1/m_Q$
  5. $\mathbf{\tau(B_s)/\tau(B_d)}$ and $\mathbf{\tau(\Lambda_b)/\tau(\Xi_b^0)}$
    • probes new physics in penguin coefficients
  6. $\mathbf{\Gamma_{12}^q}$ to NNLO at order $\mathbf{m_c^2/m_b^2}$
    • NNLO accuracy for $a_{\text{fs}}^d$, which probes new physics in e.g. $b\to d \bar{q} q$ decays
  7. Phenomenological studies
    • devise judicious combinations to reduce hadronic uncertainties
    • propose new observables
Title: Towards a SM prediction for CP violation in charm
Type: Paper
Authors: Alexander Lenz, Maria Laura Piscopo, Aleksey V. Rusov
arXiv: 2403.02267
Title: Lifetimes of b-hadrons and mixing of neutral B-mesons: theoretical and experimental status
Type: Paper
Authors: Johannes Albrecht, Florian Bernlochner, Alexander Lenz, Aleksey Rusov
arXiv: 2402.04224
Published in Eur.Phys.J.ST 233 (2024) 2, 359
Title: Update on technical aspects of B meson mixing at NNLO
Type: Proceedings
Authors: Pascal Reeck
arXiv: N.A.
Title: Determining Weak Mixing Angle at \muTRISTAN
Type: Paper
Authors: Lisong Chen, Syuhei Iguro, Yu Hamada
arXiv: N.A.
Title: B meson mixing at NNLO: technical aspects
Type: Paper
Authors: Pascal Reeck, Vladyslav Shtabovenko, Matthias Steinhauser
arXiv: N.A.
Title: Summary of Working Group 4: Mixing and mixing-related $CP$ violation in the B system: $\Delta m$, $\Delta \Gamma$, $\phi_s$, $\phi_1/\alpha$, $\phi_2/\beta$, $\phi_3/\gamma$
Type: Proceedings
Authors: Agnieszka Dziurda, Felix Erben, Marc Quentin Führing, Thibaud Humair, Thomas Latham, Eleftheria Malami, Pascal Reeck, Vladyslav Shtabovenko, Melissa Cruz Torres, Yuma Uematsu, K. Keri Vos
Info: 12th Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle, Santiago de Compostela, 18-22 September 2023
Title: Summary of Working Group 4: Mixing and mixing-related CP violation in the B system: $\delta m$, $\Delta \Gamma$, $\phi_s$, $\phi_1/\alpha$, $\phi_2/\beta$, $\phi_3/\gamma$
Type: Proceedings
Authors: Agnieszka Dziurda, Felix Erben, Marc Quentin Fuhring, Thibaud Humair, Thomas Latham, Pascal Reeck, Vladyslav Shtabovenko, K. Keri Vos
Info: CKM 2023, WG 4 Summary
Title: NNLO QCD corrections to $\Delta \Gamma_s$ in the $B_s-\overline{B}_s$ system
Type: Proceedings
Authors: Marvin Gerlach, Ulrich Nierste, Pascal Reeck, Vladyslav Shtabovenko, Matthias Steinhauser
arXiv: 2403.08316
Title: Manifestations of CP Violation in the B Meson System: Theoretical Perspective
Type: Proceedings
Authors: Eleftheria Malami
arXiv: 2402.10023
Info: Proceedings paper of the Beauty Conference 2023
Title: Studies of New Physics in $B^0_q-\bar B^0_q$ Mixing and Implications for Leptonic Decays
Type: Proceedings
Authors: Kristof De Bruyn, Robert Fleischer, Eleftheria Malami, Philine van Vliet
arXiv: 2301.13649
Info: Contribution to DISCRETE 2022
Title: The width difference in the $B-\bar{B}$ system at next-to-next-to-leading order of QCD
Type: Paper
Authors: Marvin Gerlach, Ulrich Nierste, Vladyslav Shtabovenko, Matthias Steinhauser
arXiv: 2205.07907
Info: Published in Phys.Rev.Lett. 129 (2022) 10, 102001
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