The project aims at the theoretical description of lifetime and mixing observables of B- mesons by calculating matrix elements of specific four-quark operators of mass dimension six and seven. To achieve this, we will pursue two different approaches. On the one hand, sum rules will be calculated at the three-loop level within the framework of the heavy-quark effective theory (HQET). In the second approach, we will establish a re-normalisation scheme for the relevant operators based on the gradient-flow formalism. The perturbative matching coefficients to the MSbar scheme will be calculated through next-to-next-to-leading order in the strong coupling, while the non-perturbative matrix elements will be determined on the lattice from available gauge configurations.
Project Topics
Sum rules:
Determination of matrix elements of dimension-7 operators for B meson mixing and lifetimes
Gradient flow
Perturbative calculation of the flowed matching matrix
Lattice determination of the flowed matrix elements
Study lifetimes and mixing parameter to test the SM and extensions of it
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