This project deals with theoretical predictions and phenomenological implications for exclusive non-leptonic, rare semi-leptonic and radiative b-hadron decays. We will use factorisation and effective-field-theory methods to understand hadronic uncertainties in different flavour observables. We will present phenomenological updates for angular observables and partial decay rates, and extend our studies to possible flavour structures of physics beyond the Standard Model.
NNLO QCD corrections: two loop corrections to scalar penguin amplitude in non-leptonic decays; higher-order corrections to annihilation topologies
QED corrections in the factorization framework: Semi-leptonic operators in $B \to K^{(*)}\ell^+\ell^-$; hadronic operators in $B \to K^{(*)} \ell^+\ell^-$ and non-leptonic decays; QED corrections to heavy-to-light form factors; isospin-violating observables and violation of lepton-flavour universality.
Power corrections in exclusive $B$-meson decays: factorization of endpoint divergencies in $B \to \pi$ form factor; extension to non-leptonic and rare decays
Phenomenology of Non-leptonic Decays: comprehensive NNLO analysis of $B \to PP,PV,VV$ decays; combination of QCDF with flavour-symmetries of the light quarks; two-body decays beyond the quasi-particle approximation;
Phenomenology of rare semi-leptonic and radiative decays: precision phenomenology for $B\to K^{(*)}\ell^+\ell^-$ at large hadronic recoil realistic parametrization of hadronic resonances beyond factorization, rare radiative decays of $B_s$, $B_c$ and $\Lambda_b$.
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