Project C3b addresses flavour physics in theories beyond the Standard Model (BSM). We study hints for BSM physics in precision data on rare processes, explore the phenomenology of hypothetical light new particles (such as axion-like particles) in modern flavour experiments, and construct BSM models with quark-lepton unification, horizontal symme-tries, or additional Higgs fields.
Project Topics
Multi-Higgs doublet models with heavy Higgses
devise extended Higgs sectors to alleviate flavour anomalies
improve $B_c$ lifetime constraint
predict branching fraction for $h\to \tau \mu$
Multi-Higgs doublet models with a light neutral Higgs
study light neutral pseudoscalar $\phi$ from broken flavour symmetries
explore $B\to D^{(*)} \ell \nu \phi $ events in $B\to D^{(*)} \tau[\to\ell\nu\bar\nu] \nu$ data sample
$\mathbf{b\to s \ell^+\ell^-}$ and the flavour puzzle
construct models of radiatively generated muon and electron masses containing large LFUV parameters needed to explain $R_{K^{(*)}}$
$Z^\prime$ from gauged flavour symmetries
Flavour and supersymmetry
study hierarchical squark masses enhancing FCNC transitions
construct a supersymmetric SU(2)$_L\times$SU(2)$_R$ model
Pati-Salam and $\mathbf{E_6}$-inspired models
study scalar leptoquarks of Pati-Salam Higgs sector
construct $\mathbf{E_6}$-inspired models with $Z^\prime$ and vectorlike fermions
Related publications
Title: Anatomy of the Real Higgs Triplet Model
Type: Paper
Authors: Saiyad Ashanujjaman, Sumit Banik, Guglielmo Coloretti, Andreas Crivellin, Siddharth P. Maharathy, Bruce Mellado
arXiv: N.A.
Title: Anatomy of the Real Higgs Triplet Model
Type: Paper
Authors: Saiyad Ashanujjaman, Sumit Banik, Guglielmo Coloretti, Andreas Crivellin, Siddharth P. Maharathy, Bruce Mellado
arXiv: N.A.
Title: Radiative corrections relating leptoquark-fermion couplings probed at low and high energy
Info:Published in Phys.Rev. D100 (2019) no.3, 035035. In collaboration with project C3a
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